Poem Prompt! Confession

Now that we've looked into the lives of the Confessional poets, let's try writing a "diary" entry ourselves. Think about something that has affected you deeply. It can be positive, negative, or both. Brainstorm on the memory. What happened? Where were you? Who was with you? How did everyone react? How did you react? You… Continue reading Poem Prompt! Confession

Confessional Poetry and Sylvia Plath

Confessional poetry emerged in the 1950's and 60's. This genre of poetry is all about the intimate life of the poet. The poems deal with sexuality, mental illness, disease, family, etc.  It is often unsettling and uncomfortable to read, since it makes the reader feel like he/she is prying into someone's personal life. (And sometimes, it really… Continue reading Confessional Poetry and Sylvia Plath

Writing Prompt

So, for the last writing prompt, we wrote a poem in the style of a specific poet, eventually revising it and turning it into our own unique piece. This time, we're going in a slightly different direction: The "fan fic" version of poetry. In order to do this, we must decide on a specific universe… Continue reading Writing Prompt

Writing Prompt: Emulation

Emulating, or imitating, a poet or author is a great way to experiment and develop your own voice. (Plus, it’s a great way to get started when you’re struggling to write.) I know it’s considered taboo to copy fellow authors; it’s considered theft  of an idea or signature that makes what that poet or writer… Continue reading Writing Prompt: Emulation