Writing Prompt

So, for the last writing prompt, we wrote a poem in the style of a specific poet, eventually revising it and turning it into our own unique piece.

This time, we’re going in a slightly different direction: The “fan fic” version of poetry.

In order to do this, we must decide on a specific universe or well-known character. Now the only difference here between true fan fiction and what we’ll be doing is that we are creating an “opposite” universe/ character.

For example, Ariel from Disney’s “The Little Mermaid” can’t actually sing, or maybe Belle from “Beauty and the Beast” is vain or selfish. (Well, obviously I’m reading a book that borrows heavily from Disney’s interpretation of these fairy tales.) Or, how about a domesticated werewolf? Have you always wondered what history would have been like without Napoleon or Caesar?

Think about your favorite character, and what the exact opposite of his/her personality is. What sort of weird quirk can you give him/her?

This makes a great fiction exercise as well! And while you’re at it, why not try both?

Unlike the last exercise, we are strictly doing fan fiction, which means that the characters and universes we are using are not our own. Perhaps after quite a bit of revising, the character becomes so unique as to become your own, but unless that happens, these characters remain someone else’s property. We’re just borrowing their ideas and practicing to develop our own writing abilities!

My own poem for this exercise is still in the works – I’ll post it shortly!

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